WMO comprises the World Meteorological Congress, the Executive Council, regional associations, technical commissions and the Secretariat. Additional bodies are established by Congress.
The World Meteorological Congress is WMO highest decision-making body. The Executive Council implements decisions adopted by the Congress.
Six regional associations are responsible for the coordination of meteorological, hydrological and related activities within their respective Regions, while technical commissions consisting of technical experts study technical matters and make recommendations to Congress and the Executive Council.
The Officers of WMO are a President and three Vice-Presidents, who are also chair and vice-chairs of Congress and the Executive Council. In the performance of their duties, all officers of the Organization and members of the Executive Council act as representatives of the Organization and not of particular Members.
The Secretary-General directs the work of the Secretariat, headquartered in Geneva, and is the legal representative of the Organization.
Together, the Officers and the Secretary-General form the Bureau, an informal consultative mechanism with primary, though not exclusive, focus on the preparation of sessions of the Executive Council and Congress.