Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Applications (ClimSA)

نظرة عامة

The adverse impacts of climate change are a major challenge to the socio-economic development of developing countries, particularly the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Land-locked Developing Countries (LLDCs). The 79 Members of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) are considered to be the most vulnerable countries to the existential threats of climate change. Yet Member States of the OACPS have contributed least to greenhouse gas emissions.

The Intra-ACP Climate Services and related Applications Programme (ClimSA) is a EUR 85 M initiative of the OACPS and the European Union. It is an important investment under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) aiming to strengthen the climate services value chain: from access to information, generation and provision of climate services to engagement and capacity building of users to ensure utilization of these services.

ClimSA aims to support the climate information services value chain with technical assistance, financial assistance, and infrastructure and capacity building support to improve wide access and use of climate information and applications for decision making processes at all levels, in the six regions of the OACPS through eight Regional Climate Centres (RCCs).

As main users of climate services and the bridge to other final users, the African Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the African Union Commission (AUC), the Caribbean Meteorological Organization (CMO) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) will be the focus of the action to ensure sustainability and utilization of climate services. 


To improve the production, access to and use of climate information, services and applications for decision makers. The project will foster sustainable development through the prevention of desertification, preservation of ecological biodiversity and the sustainable use of water management in ACP countries.

The WMO grant will support ACP regional partners to improve the climate services value chain in five priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, and water. Underpinned by capacity development and knowledge management, WMO technical guidance addresses observations, data, predictions, models and the mainstreaming of climate services into policy processes. 


The project will focus on five main outputs:

  • Support stakeholder-driven identification of region-specific priority needs and products via Regional Frameworks for Climate Services and National Frameworks for Climate Services and user stakeholder national and regional consultations
  • Provide expert advice on country-level delivery of services, validation of the results of the use of the products generated, and associated socio-economic benefits
  • Promote strengthened operational exchanges of data and products between NMHSs at country level and WMO Regional Climate Centres
  • Equip Regional Climate Centres with tools and capacities to produce and deliver tailored climate services
  • Promote exchange of knowledge and best practices across the regions, and support with content development for the Intra-ACP Climate Services Annual Fora 


  1. Structured interaction between the users, researchers and climate service providers in ACP regions through a User Interface Platform
  2. Guarantee and secure provision of climate services at Regional and National level, and strengthening of Climate Service Information Systems (CSIS)
  3. Improve access to Climate Information by strengthening observation and monitoring systems, as well as research, modelling and prediction
  4. Enhance capacity of ACP region to generate and apply climate information and products relevant to their particular concerns
  5. Enhance climate-informed decision-making in ACP regions, bridge gaps between climate science and policy for improved mainstreaming of climate services into policy processes at regional and national levels  
€ 5,500,000.00
WMO Long-Term Goal(s):
  • Global Framework for Climate Services
Focus Area(s):
  • Service Delivery

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