WMO Hydrological Assembly (HA-3): WMO HydroHub Segment

(Europe/Zurich: 27 أيار/ مايو 2023, 00:00 - 23:59)
حدث سابق

Geneva, سويسرا

WMO Congress took place from 22 May to 2 June 2023 in Geneva, and on 26 - 27 May the WMO Hydrological Assembly (HA-3) was convened. During the Assembly, one of the segments was dedicated to the WMO HydroHub.

The segment was opened by the President of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM), Michel Jean, and the Chair of the WMO HydroHub Advisory Council, Harry Dixon. The session included the display of a video highlighting some of the past, ongoing, and future activities from the WMO HydroHub, and a panel discussion involving the following contributors: 


Arlene Laing, Permanent Representative of the British Caribbean Territories with WMO 


  • Mojwok Ogawi Modo Ayoker, Permanent Representative of South Sudan with WMO 
  • John Fenwick, Region V Hydrological Adviser 
  • Hege Hisdal, Hydrological Adviser, Norway 
  • Robert Sunday, Ministry of Water, Tanzania 

During the discussion, the panelists shared their insights on WMO HydroHub activities from various perspectives, and highlighted the importance of WMO HydroHub’s work in addressing the challenges faced by NMHSs, ensuring better and sustainable investments in hydrological services, and fostering innovation in hydrometry.


