Richard Jones
Richard is a Science Fellow in the Met Office Hadley Centre working on developing and applying regional climate information to inform adaptation and resilience with a focus on developing countries. He joined the Hadley Centre in 1990 where he developed its regional climate modelling capability and has applied this worldwide in a wide range of programmes and collaborations. Since 2010 he has also been a Visiting Professor in the School of Geography and Environment of Oxford University, collaborating on attribution of climate events and African climate. He was a lead author of the regional climate information chapters of IPCC Assessment Reports Three (Chapter 10) and Four (Chapter 11) for WG I and of Chapter 21, Regional Context, in WG II AR5. He is a coordinating lead author of the Atlas chapter and the online Interactive Atlas of the WG I contribution to AR6, and part of the AR6 WGI-II Handshake team. Univ of East Anglia and a Ph.D. in Geography from Boston University. Prior to joining FAO, Hideki was a researcher and a climate modeler at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California.