WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM)

The WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM) plays a key role in curating authoritative weather, water and climate information from the WMO Community to the United Nations and humanitarian agencies, thereby enhancing preparedness and early response efforts. Through the Early Warnings for All Initiative (EW4All), WCM supports crisis-prone and conflict-affected regions with timely expert advice.

For instance, during Tropical Cyclone MOCHA (May 2023), WCM curated critical information from various WMO Members and Centres, enabling a coordinated UN response (UNOCC, UNOCHA, UNHCR, IFRC) three days before the cyclone hit Bangladesh and Myanmar, protecting countless lives and livelihoods.

By harnessing the collective expertise of the WMO Community, the WCM delivers timely, accurate and actionable insights, supporting effective anticipatory measures for the UN and humanitarian agencies.

WCM Community Website


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A woman stands in front of a modern building next to an audio track titled "Isabelle Bey Meteor..." from the World Meteorological Organization on SoundCloud. The track is 2 minutes and 49 seconds long.
A man in a suit stands beside a SoundCloud audio clip titled "Justin Ginetti, IFRC..." from the World Meteorological Organization, with an audio duration of 2 minutes and 41 seconds.
A man in a suit standing next to glass windows on the left; on the right, a SoundCloud audio player shows a recording titled "Andrew Harper UNH..." from the World Meteorological Organization.

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On 14 May 2023, Tropical Cyclone (TC) Mocha made landfall in Myanmar and impacted Bangladesh. During part of its track, the cyclone was one of the strongest ever recorded in the Bay of Bengal. Significant evacuations were conducted ahead of the cyclone.