Climate Services in Action: Five years' progress and Future Pathways

(Asia/Baku: الأربعاء, 11/13/2024 - 09:00 - 10:30)
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This side event will build upon the key findings of the State of Climate Services report and discuss how to advance climate services to address climate challenges. The panel will discuss the current state of climate services while also examining and assessing the progress that has been made during the last five years. High-level representatives from partner organisations and country representatives will discuss the steps needed to address climate service gaps and needs, to inform more effective investment and to enhance adaptation and development outcomes. 

The panel will be composed of representatives from the report’s founding partners (Green Climate Fund (GCF), Adaptation Fund (AF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF)), WMO, UNDRR and representatives from partner organizations as well as countries that have successfully used climate services to deliver socioeconomic benefits at a national level. 


I. Opening (10 mins)

  • Prof. Celeste Saulo, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

II. Overview of State of Climate Services Report: Key findings (10 mins)

  • Prof. Chris Hewitt, Director, Climate Services Branch, WMO

III. Video of report (5 mins)

IV. Panel discussion with report partners (40 mins), Moderation: Prof. Chris Hewitt, Director, Climate Services Branch, WMO

  • Mr Mikko Ollikainen, Adaptation Fund, Manager
  • Mr Henry Gonzalez,  Green Climate Fund, Chief Investment Officer
  • Ms Fareeha Y. Iqbal, Adaptation Coordinator, Senior Specialist, Climate Change Adaptation Funds (LDCF / SCCF), Global Environment Facility 
  • Ms Loreta Hieber Girardet, Chief, Risk Knowledge, Monitoring and Capacity-Development Branch, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Mr Vincent Amelie, CEO and Permanent Representative for the Seychelles with WMO
  • Save the Children, Director

V. Q&A (15 mins)

VI. Meet and Great for a more informal Q&A session


Additional information
