High-level Event Convened by the United Nations Secretary-General on Delivering Early Warnings for All and Addressing Extreme Heat

(Asia/Baku: الأربعاء, 11/13/2024 - 16:00 - 17:00)
حدث سابق

A striking 88% of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) that have submitted their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) already prioritize MHEWS. Furthermore, every National Adaptation Plan (NAP) prepared to date includes MHEWS. Now, we must turn these commitments into tangible actions, ensuring these priorities translate into real-world impact for communities on the frontlines of climate risks.     Yet to date, just over half of all the countries worldwide report having the capability to alert their citizens about impending weather and climate hazards. Fewer than half of LDCs and only a third of SIDS have such systems, suggesting that these country groups still require sustained focus and assistance. To achieve the goal of protecting every person on Earth by 2027, all actors involved in the early warnings to early action value chain must work together, through unprecedented collaboration.  

This high-level event will take stock of the implementation of EW4All and the global response to the call to action on extreme heat, with the participation of leaders from developed and developing countries, financiers, private sector and CSO representatives, with the following objectives and expected outcomes. 

