Haiti Weather Systems Programme: Climate Services to Reduce Vulnerability

نظرة عامة

Assisting in the re-establishment and modernization of hydro-meteorological services in Haiti, while reducing its vulnerability to hazardous weather, climate and water events and climate change.

With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Haiti Weather Systems Programme: Climate Services to Reduce Vulnerability project assists in the re-establishment and modernization of hydro-meteorological services in the country, while reducing its vulnerability to hazardous weather, climate and water events and climate change. The project helps the national meteorological and hydrological service, Unité Hydrologique et Météorologique (UHM), in meeting the information requirements and needs of the Haitian users for real-time applications, and addressing the disaster risk reduction, civil aviation, agriculture and maritime sectors.


This project is providing essential support to re-establish weather, climate and hydrology forecasting Services in Haiti under the coordination and management by the WMO. The Project focuses on four main areas to establish and modernize the National Meteorological Service's main functions of observations, forecasting and service delivery:

  1. Constructing a building to house the National Hydro-Meteorological Services of Haiti. The building will be Net-Zero Energy, as well as earthquake and hurricane proof;
  2. Undertaking capacity building including training of both scientific and technical personnel and developing a business plan for the NMHS taking into account all aspects of developing a functioning and modern weather, climate and hydrology service;
  3. Re-establishing the climatological and hydrological observing networks and implementing a data management system;
  4. Developing a wide-reaching dissemination system, to inform stakeholders and the general population of climate related risks.
CHF 5 081 000.00
WMO Long-Term Goal(s):
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Aviation meteorological services
  • Capacity Development

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