Enhancing global safety: SERCOM-3 Day 2
On the second day of SERCOM-3 in Bali, discussions revolved around enhancing early warning systems across various sectors, emphasizing international collaboration and the critical role of capacity development.

Discussions began with a comprehensive review of past resolutions from the World Meteorological Congress and the Executive Council pertinent to SERCOM, and the integration of outstanding tasks into the Commission's agenda. Focus was put on the preparation of technical guides for amendments to technical regulations. Concerns were raised regarding the absence of regulations on early warning services, prompting discussions on drafting new technical regulations to support member countries in achieving the Early Warnings for All initiative's objectives.
The first thematic area explored during the day was Services for Agriculture: participants engaged in discussions on services related to drought, advocating for the expansion of the Implementation Plan on National Drought Early Warning Systems. Suggestions were put forward to establish methodologies for collecting drought monitoring data, leveraging Members’ existing infrastructure. The introduction of new drought indicators and indices was proposed, aiming to enhance the capabilities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in addressing agricultural challenges.
A session dedicated to Aviation Services underscored WMO's commitment to supporting the provision of aviation meteorological services worldwide. Recommendations from the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash were deliberated upon, emphasizing the necessity of continued progress in bolstering International Airways Volcano Watch operations.
Discussions on Climate Services revolved around two main documents: 1. Accelerating Data Stewardship and data rescue, and 2. Roadmap for the State of the Climate reporting at global and regional scales. These documents aim to enable high levels of quality, completeness, and usability of Members’ climate data sets and partnerships on data rescue.
Two side events were featured at day 2 in Bali:
- Strengthening WMO Members' capacity to deliver Marine Services: panelists from maritime countries emphasized the critical role of capacity development and training for forecasters and end-users of marine products. It was recommended that WMO integrate capacity development initiatives into all local and regional programs related to the Early Warnings for All initiative. Also, the importance of stakeholder engagement in enhancing maritime safety, coastal hazard management, and marine emergency response was underlined. Collaboration between metocean and maritime communities, as well as between WMO and the International Maritime Organization, emerged as a key theme. It was recommended that Members foster collaboration with their national sister agencies and WMO to support NMHSs in their contribution to audits. This collaborative effort will enable WMO to effectively address the specific needs of Members in marine meteorological services. Finally, a new publication summarizing the role of WMO and NMHSs in Tsunami Early Warning was announced.
- WMO Flood Forecasting Initiative (FFI) for strengthening Early Warnings for All in the WMO Member countries: this side event aimed to inform SERCOM on how Members can engage with and benefit from WMO-led initiatives to strengthen services related to flood monitoring, forecasting, and management of flood events. Successful cases contributing to the Early Warnings for All initiative were shared, including the Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM), the Volta Basin Flood and Drought Management, and the Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS). 44 suggestions and concerns regarding flood forecasting and management were received by participants (including Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, and China) so that WMO and its expert groups can help Members strengthen early warning systems for floods and flood management in general.
Day two of SERCOM-3 underscored the critical role of international collaboration in advancing early warning systems across various sectors. Members thanked the WMO Secretariat for the continued support provided in implementing weather, hydrological, marine, climate, and related services for a wide array of sectoral applications. By leveraging technical expertise, sharing best practices, and fostering partnerships, Members can better prepare for and mitigate the impacts of natural hazards, ultimately safeguarding lives and livelihoods worldwide.
For daily updates, visit the SERCOM-3 dedicated webpage.
Approved documents:
- Drat Decision 3 (SERCOM-3) Review Of Resolutions And Decisions Of Congress And The Executive Council Related To The Commission
- Draft Recommendation 4.3(1)/1 (SERCOM-3) Recommendations and Statement of the Eight International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8)
- Draft Decision 4.3(2)/1 (SERCOM-3) Update to Aerodrome Reports and Forecasts: A Users’ Handbook to the Codes (WMO-No. 782)
- Doc. 4.4(1) (SERCOM-3) Accelerating Climate Data Stewardship and Data Rescue
- Draft Recommendation 4.4(2)/1 (SERCOM-3) Road Map for the State of the Climate Reporting at Global and Regional Scales
Documents sent for Draft 2:
- Draft Decision 4.1/1 (SERCOM-3) Process For The Amendments To The Technical Regulations (Wmo-No.49) To Include Early Warning Systems was referred for Draft 2 to reflect input provided by Members
- Draft Recommendation 4.2(1)/1 (SERCOM-3) Draft Implementation Plan On National Drought Early Warning Systems was referred for Draft 2 to reflect input provided by, Kenya, China, and India
- Draft Recommendation 4.2(2)/1 (SERCOM-3) Drought Monitoring Indicators And Indices
*Documents will soon be accessible on the SERCOM-3 website.