• UN to UN Collaboration: In Bangladesh, Mozambique, Haiti, and Somalia, UN agencies are collaborating closely to strengthen climate resilience and early warning systems, ensuring coordinated efforts for impactful outcomes.
• South to South Collaboration: Nigeria is partnering with Liberia in a South-South collaboration, leveraging technical expertise and shared experiences to enhance meteorological and hydrological services. In South Asia, Bangladesh is working closely with Nepal and India, supported by UN agencies, IFRC and regional organizations. Mozambique is working closely with the South African Weather Service.
• High-Level Political Support: Mozambique has garnered high-level political support for EW4All, underscoring commitment at the national level to address environmental challenges effectively.
• Continued Support in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings (FCVs): In Haiti and Somalia, project activities are ongoing, despite the challenging circumstances posed by fragile and conflict-affected conditions. This has been made possible thanks to the good relationship WMO sustains with the government and national actors.
• Collaboration currently underway between a multitude of UN partners – UNEP, WFP, WMO, UNDRR in Haiti to develop a new CREWS-GCF Scale-up project, which will make significant efforts in strengthening Haiti’s Early Warning System.