IG3IS Webinar Series (Q1-Q2, 2025): Atmospheric constraints on Australian emissions of synthetic greenhouse gases

Dr Cathy Trudinger is a Principal Research Scientist and Team Leader with CSIRO Environment in Australia. Her research interests include inverse modelling to infer emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances from atmospheric measurements, at national and urban scales. Cathy has co-authored over 65 peer-reviewed journal papers with over 5000 citations. 

Paul Krummel is a Principal Experimental Scientist with CSIRO Environment in Australia, and is a Lead Scientist for the Greenhouse Gases and Ozone Depleting Substances program at the Kennaook/Cape Grim observatory. He is a co-PI on the international Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) consortium. His research interests include making high quality measurements of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances, and using these to infer emissions estimates at global and national scales. Paul has co-authored over 180 peer-reviewed journal papers with over 13000 citations. 

Every year, CSIRO uses atmospheric observations and inverse modelling to estimate Australian emissions of synthetic greenhouse gases (also known as fluorinated gases or F-gases). Observations from Kennaook/Cape Grim in Tasmania are used in the UK Met Office’s InTEM inversion system to infer Australian emissions of gases including hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs, used in refrigeration), perfluorocarbons (PFCs, produced during aluminium production) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6, used in the electrical industry). The top-down emission estimates are compared with bottom-up estimates from the Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (based on import data and emission factors), and in some cases the top-down estimates have been used to improve the bottom-up estimates. Both estimates are reported annually to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 

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