Building observational evidences of carbon uptake by forest
Atmospheric observations of greenhouse gas combined with the data analysis can be used to quantify emissions and uptakes of GHG on regional to local scales. Common standards and good practices towards the implementation of such an approach are developed through the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) of the World Meteorological Organization. IG3IS methodology has been tested through a number of pilot and demonstration projects. One of the applications is related to the characterization of the carbon uptake by forest ecosystems. Comparison of CO2 uptake based on atmospheric observations and inventory for LULUCF shows substantial differences in different parts of the world (from underestimated uptake in New Zealand to transition of sinks into sources in the Brazilian Amazon). The event will discuss the role of forests in achieving the Paris Agreement goals and the need for objective quantification of carbon uptake, particularly in the context of carbon trading.