Southwest Indian Ocean Flash Flood Guidance System and Early Warning System for Flood Initial Planning Meeting
2024年 02月 29日, 10:00 - 14:00)
In this new phase IV of the Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage program (FFGS/WGC), the FFGS will be expanded to Southwest Indian Ocean region. The objectives of this online meeting are to introduce the countries to the FFGS/WGC and to explore ways for its development and implementation in the region, get the commitments of Permanent Representatives (PRs) and Hydrological Advisers (HAs) and present the requirements (e.g., letter of commitment, data requirements, nomination of focal points) that are needed for the successful implementation of the system. It is also envisioned to discuss and present the Early Warning System for Flood (EWS-F) component which will be closely linked to FFGS expansion in these regions.