Region III: South America

The WMO Region III comprises 13 Member States that fall within the scope of the WMO Regional Office for the Americas (RAM). Its vast territory has landscapes and highlands ranging from the lush tropical forests in the Amazon to the glaciers of the southern tip of the continent, and from the estuaries of La Plata and Amazonia to the snow-capped peaks of the Andes. This geographical diversity is reflected in the rich biodiversity and diverse weather and climate of the region. 
A scenic view of a river winding through agricultural fields and a small settlement, surrounded by rolling hills under a cloudy sky.
Lots of agriculture in the dry landscape in the Ocona river valley. Arequipa Region, Peru.
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Floods and droughts are the two major hazards increasing region’s vulnerability which are strongly related to climate variability, in particular El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and further exacerbated by climate change. Severe storms, landslides and forest fires also have significant impacts on the region, especially considering that northern Argentina, southern Brazil and Paraguay encompass the area with the highest lightning frequency in the world.  

To address the challenges imposed by climate change and local environmental constraints, among others, the Regional Office for the Americas actively collaborates with the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), the Organization of American States (OAS) and Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The focus is also on contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals through the Issue-based Coalitions with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 

The socio-economic composition of Region III includes mainly developing economies with a couple of landlocked developing countries that on average have an upper-middle income, while the Human Development Index ranges from medium to very high.

Projects in the region

ENANDES+. Building Regional Adaptive capacity and resilience to climate variability and change in vulnerable sectors in the Andes, a contribution to scaling up the ENANDES project

The presence and influence of the Andes, the most important mountain range in the Southern Hemisphere, creates a large variety of climatic and environmental conditions in the Andean countries of South America, not only in the mountainous zones but also in its slopes and surrounding areas. Andean countries share distinctive climate, environmental and cultural characteristics that have led the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to recognize them as particularly vulnerable to climate change.ENANDES+ will support six of seven Andean countries in their climate adaptation and resilience efforts, scale up the ENANDES project, currently being implemented by WMO through the Adaptation Fund. With The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)contribution adding Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador to the three original ENANDES countries, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The project will also involve all WMO regional institutions in South America, including the Regional Climate Centres for South and West of South America, and the Regional Training Centres in Peru and Argentina.In Argentina and Bolivia, an early warning system for flash flood warnings in the binational area of the Pilcomayo River Basin will be developed, allowing for a unique transnational approach to improve climate resilience and adaptation in the region. In Ecuador, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (INAMHI) will work in the upper Pastaza River basin to produce frost warnings for small-scale family farms, and hydrometeorological forecasts to support the management of hydroelectric power plants.  In Peru, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service will work with MeteoSwiss and WMO regional centres to ensure technical knowledge is available and equally distributed amongst project stakeholders. 

Climate Science Information for Climate Action (CSICA)

Since October 2018, and in response to the Paris Agreement (Article 7, paragraph 7 (c)) WMO and Green Climate Fund (GCF) have partnered to provide the global community with access to new climate information, tools, and guidance to facilitate the generation and use of climate information in support of climate action decisions, recognizing the contribution and value of science-based decision-making in responding to climate change.  Some of the products developed by WMO include a methodology for Developing the Climate Science Information for Climate Action (WMO-No. 1287), data, tools and associated technical resources for enhancing the climate science basis for GCF-funded projects and activities, as well as for National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and climate policies.  The aim of providing these products is to help all countries, in particular least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing states (SIDS) and developing countries to identify and select the most effective climate actions to address climate impacts. In doing so, the guidance can contribute to country-level decision-making and the mobilization of climate finance.The Climate Science Information for Climate Action (CSICA) initiative was officially launched in 2021 at the twenty-sixth Conference of Parties (COP 26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow, Scotland. Furthermore, the GCF Board at its thirty-third Session in July 2022 adopted Decision 19 (GCF B.33/19) recognizing the results of the WMO-GCF collaboration and acknowledged the importance of scaling up the support for strengthening the capacity of all stakeholders to access, synthesize, and incorporate relevant climate science information into climate action policies, plans and investments, as well as enhancing the hydrological and meteorological systems and associated climate information services for low-carbon and climate-resilient development.Noting significant demand from countries, and high-level political support for this work, WMO is implementing the CSICA initiative through the provision of institutional coordination support, technical advisory services, capacity development and increased partnerships. 

WMO Offices in the region

WMO Regional Office for the Americas (RAM)

Avda. Mariscal López 1146, esq. 22 de Septiembre, 3er Piso, Edificio del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, Asunción, Paraguay
