Integrated Urban Climate, Weather and Environment Systems for Climate-smart and Resilient Cities: Thailand study (IUC4CRC)

Project background

Over half the global population lives in urban areas, 53% of which live in Asia, according to the World Cities Report (2016). Cities represent a driving force for social and economic development, but they face growing challenges due to climate change. Severe weather and climate events can have detrimental impacts on urban areas due to the density of exposed infrastructures and populations. Simultaneously, they have high levels of energy consumption, GHG emissions, and air pollution. New types of systems and services will therefore be required to assist cities facing a growing multitude of cascading and compounding hazards. Urban decision-makers can tackle these challenges more effectively by utilizing reliable meteorological, climate-related, and air quality data and prediction services. The WMO Integrated Urban hydrometeorological, climate and environmental Services (IUS) aids development of science-based integrated urban services to support safe, healthy, resilient and climate friendly cities. 


This project will consolidate the evidence-basis in Thailand for low-carbon and resilient urban development to the impacts of climate change. This project will support the development of a National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) for Thailand, design an Integrated Urban Service (IUS) platform for selected Thai cities, assess the feasibility of IG3IS implementation therein, and build capacity for climate change adaptation and mitigation in national and sub-national Thai institutions. The project will intervene in a consistent and complementary manner to current efforts at city and national level.   


WMO’s project outputs are aligned with the outputs of UrbanAct for Thailand:

Output I: enhanced national framework for climate services (NFCS)
Output II: Urban Climate services for evidence-based planning
Output III: Climate services for project preparation
Output IV: Capacity building and enhanced knowledge through regional networking, exchange, and learning 

Expected outcomes

  • TMD is supported in the preapration of the NFCS
  • TMD’s capacity for data analysis and modeling is built
  • The feasibility of Integrated Urban Services in Thailand is assessed. 
Total Funding:
CHF 500,913.00
WMO Long-Term Goal(s):
  • Climate Resilience and Adaptation
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Global Framework for Climate Services
  • Capacity Development
  • Governance
Focus Area(s):
  • Observations
  • Data Management
  • Early Warnings
  • Service Delivery

Implemented in

