Water at the Heart of Climate Action
Project background
The Water at the Heart of Climate Action project contributes to the EW4All initiative, which aims to ensure universal protection from hazardous hydrometeorological, climatological and related environmental events through life-saving multi-hazard early warning systems, anticipatory action and resilience efforts by the end of 2027, as called for by the UN Secretary General in 2022.
The WMO grant of approximately EUR 7.3 million supports National Meteorological and Hydrological Services to strengthen their capacities and capabilities to weather and water related services value chain especially through monitoring, forecasting and early warning services to various stakeholders (national agencies such as disaster management, water resources agency, agriculture and irrigation, hydro-power company, transport, tele-communication etc.) including population. Underpinned by capacity development and knowledge management, WMO technical guidance will address improvement in hydrological observations, data, modelling and impact based forecasting and early warning system for the water related risks such as floods and drought
The WHCA is a regional project, with an objective of bringing systematic change that aims to accelerate and scale up water action to mitigate the impacts of water related risks and increase the climate resilience of affected communities in the five Nile Basin countries Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda.
- Observational data on hydro-meteorological parameters is collected for developing monitoring and forecasting products and it is shared for strengthening regional and national forecasting capacities
- Flood & drought risk areas are mapped (aligning with Pillar 1) and impact-based forecasting & warning system for floods and drought are developed for the identified areas
- Stakeholders capacity on observation, monitoring & forecasting of flood & drought hazards is strengthened
- Impact based Forecasts and Warning bulletins are developed and operationally used for the floods and drought hazards and shared with the stakeholders at regional, national and local levels for risk informed decision making
Expected outcomes
Improved production of, and access to climate, weather and water observation, monitoring and impact-based forecasting/prediction products and to deliver flood and drought warning services to various stakeholders for decision-making
- Understanding of the existing capacities, gaps and needs for improvement in monitoring, observation, modeling and forecasting and early warning systems for floods and drought at national and regional levels
- Development of the Inception report of the WHCA project which has been submitted to the donor for endorsement
- Cooperation and collaboration with other pillar lead especially for risk information and knowledge (Pillar 1) and early warning communication and dissemination (Pillar 3)
- Region:
- Region I: Africa

- Climate Resilience and Adaptation
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Capacity Development
- Observations
- Data Management
- Forecasting
- Service Delivery
- Early Warnings