The World Bank Group Hydromet Expert Services Central Asia
Project background
The World Bank Group Hydromet Expert Services Central Asia Project seeks to enhance regional cooperation for effective delivery of climate and hydrological services. To achieve this, the project requires guidance in assessing service gaps related to transboundary water management, in alignment with global frameworks such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the Early Warning for All (EW4All) Initiative, and the WMO Guidelines and Recommendations. To ensure that the specific needs and priorities of each country are fully understood, the World Bank, with support from WMO, proposes to conduct National Capacity Assessments (NCAT) for five Central Asian countries. These assessments will focus on water resources, operational hydrology, and cryosphere issues, ensuring that CAHMP-II addresses both regional and national needs while aligning with local development priorities. The assessments will also map hydrological service delivery requirements and confirm the validity of previous evaluations to reflect the current needs of the region.
Enable countries to take early action and reduce the impact of hydrological hazards, in particular floods, through building and strengthening existing capabilities through the development and implementation of national Early Warning System for floods within an MHEWS environment.
- Assess and analyze hydrological hazards, capacities, and capabilities of targeted countries.
- Provide technical assistance and analytics for:
- Strengthening of the hydrological modelling, forecasting and warning system for floods.
- National transformation for Flood EWS through developing the Concept of Operations (CONOPS).
- Impact Based Forecasting and sectoral services for water and energy.
- Strengthen collaboration among stakeholders at basin, national and regional levels by enhancing visibility and recognition of flood forecasting and warning services delivered by NMHSs.
- Ensure regional context within interoperability and accessibility requirements and MHEWS environment.
Expected outcomes
- Complete assessment of the needs of targeted Members to enable them to provide and use an integrated flood early warning system.
- Implement solutions to technical and institutional gaps by building the capacity and capabilities of targeted Members so they can implement and provide E2E EWS-F building upon national, regional, and global systems in an interoperable environment.
- Advance capacities of targeted Members to provide enhanced impact- and risk-based flood forecast and warning products and services to enable better preparedness and response to flood events.
- Increase visibility, recognition, and sustainability of NMHSs in developing countries by demonstrating the value of their flood early warning system and services leading to support for maintaining, sustaining and further enhancing the provision of services.
- NCAT assessments are conducted for 5 countries and overall results of the NCAT highlighted the importance of strengthen the capacity of the regional centres, and to addressed the following activities at regional level: (a) unified WEB-oriented information basis for data transmission, processing, control, preparation of information and prognostic products; (b) High resolution regional NWP model; (c) regional open data cube for radar composite and nowcasting; (d) regional open data cube for bias adjusted satellite information; (e) hydrological models and forecasts (CARFFG need to be adjusted/better calibrated and improved); and (f) training in the various fields. Additionally, more tailored National needs are identified and verified during consolations.
- Regional NCAT workshop (4-6 November 2024): WMO brought stakeholders together to one table and organized discussions to better design the roadmap and CONOPS among the NHMS technical and high-level representatives from all 5 countries, along with international partners, to align ongoing and planned activities. Representatives from the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the World Food Programme (WFP), and the SAPPHIRE Central Asia Project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), shared ongoing initiatives, tools, and services aimed at improving hydrometeorological services for their member states.
- Implementation plan and CONOPS developed for 5 countries and currently under approval process by scoped countries.
- Region:
- Region II: Asia

- Climate Resilience and Adaptation
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- WMO Integrated Global Observing System
- Polar and high mountains regions
- Capacity Development
- Forecasting
- Service Delivery
- Early Warnings