More on Services for Disaster Risk Reduction
WMO's work on Services for Disaster Risk Reduction focuses on strengthening the capacities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to support comprehensive disaster risk management.
This includes risk assessments and early warning systems for weather, climate, water, and related environmental hazards and disasters. These efforts aim to enhance decision-making for preparedness, response, recovery, and resilience-building, and align with global frameworks such as the Sendai Framework and the Early Warnings for All (EW4All) Initiative. WMO also supports improved service delivery through programmes such as the Global Multi-hazard Alert System (GMAS) and WMO Coordination Mechanism (WCM). These frameworks promote compliance with international standards and ensure effective disaster risk management, in collaboration with Regional Associations (RAs) and other WMO bodies.
The Standing Committee on Services for Disaster Risk Reduction and Early Warning Services (SC-DRR), a key body within the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM), coordinates disaster risk reduction efforts and collaborates with other Standing Committees as well as with the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM), Research Board (RB), Regional Associations and their relevant subsidiary bodies.
It oversees the WMO Implementation Plan for EW4All and supports cross-cutting disaster risk reduction activities, such as:
- Severe Weather and Tropical Cyclone Forecasting
- Service Delivery, including Impact-Based Forecast and Warning Services (IBFWS)
- Implementation of the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP).
These activities enhance Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) accessibility and effectiveness and foster innovation through partnerships.
The Services for Disaster Risk Reduction activity area ensures that WMO Members can effectively respond to the challenges of disaster risk management to minimize the impact of disasters on communities by developing comprehensive adaptation strategies that reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience in a changing climate. The goal is to support individuals, governments, and organizations in preparing for and responding to hazardous situations, thus preventing them from turning into disasters. DRR focuses on:
- Preventing new risks and reducing existing risks
- Managing residual risks through a holistic and multihazard approach
- Promoting the adoption of good practices improving early warning systems as a major adaptation component
- Fostering informed decision-making to protect lives, livelihoods, properties, and the environment
The SC-DRR serves as the central coordinating body, ensuring the effective implementation of services and activities related to Disaster Risk Reduction. It was re-established by the decision of the third session of the Service Commission (SERCOM-3) in 2024 for the second inter-sessional period (2024 - 2027). SC-DRR comprises approximately 20 technical experts selected from across WMO regions. The SC-DRR’s work is organized through several subsidiary bodies (Expert Teams (ETs), Advisory Groups (AGs) and Task Teams (TTs)), each focusing on specific aspects of DRR and EWS. These bodies ensure close coordination with other WMO entities and external partners, thereby facilitating comprehensive and effective DRR efforts. The work of SC-DRR is supported by the WMO Secretariat, which provides the necessary administrative and technical assistance to ensure the successful implementation of its objectives and activities. Through these coordinated efforts, WMO aims to build global resilience to natural hazards by enhancing the capacity of its Members to provide critical meteorological and hydrological services essential for effective DRR and EWS.