High-Level Regional Forum linked to the Open Consultative Platform in the Regional Association III (South America)
Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

The High-Level Regional Forum will bring together the Permanent Representatives of RA III and high-level representatives of the private and academic sectors to facilitate dialogue among all stakeholders at the regional level and to discuss region-specific issues, opportunities, and initiatives for leveraging cooperation and collaboration between sectors that enhance socioeconomic benefits of weather and climate service. Discussions would include, but not be limited to, identifying common interests; understanding the complementary roles and strengths of actors from the public, private and academic sectors; exploring opportunities for partnership within the region; and improving all stakeholders’ collective capability in leveraging resources, improving efficiency and sustaining quality services.
Event Name
High-Level Regional Forum of the Open Consultative Platform in the Regional Association III (South America)
Date and Time
21 July 2022 in the afternoon
Physical participation in Estelar Cartagena de Indias Hotel y Centro de Convenciones - Cra. 1 #11-116, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia.
- Virtual participation on Zoom.
- Simultaneous interpretation in English and Spanish will be provided.
- Review of WMO PPE activities and region-specific status
- Servicios climáticos para el sector agropecuario: Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas, Colombia
- INMET's Public-Private Engagement and Support to Agribusiness, Brasil
- Colaboración Público-Privada en la SMN de Argentina
- PPE in INUMET, Uruguay
- Contrucción y fortalecimiento de capacidades institucionales, en el marco de la colaboración públic-privada
- Developing high performance meteorological services, Vaisala
- An Efficient PPE/PPP Framework from a Private Sector Perspective, Weathernews