Procurement and Contract Management
Best value for money is defined as the most advantageous balance between:
- Compliance with the technical requirements,
- Quality,
- Cost, including total lifecycle cost when applicable,
- Compliance with WMO standard contractual conditions,
- Warranty and long-term sustainability arrangements, and
- Ethical and environmental considerations.
As part of this process, the following principles are followed:
- Full accountability and documentation,
- Fair, open and international competition, and
- Promotion of ethical trading through procurement that supports the environment and the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
WMO, in accordance with the policies of the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) , strictly enforces a zero tolerance approach to unethical, unprofessional or fraudulent actions by Vendors.
WMO promotes procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, provided that this effort remains compatible with the objective of achieving the best value for money.
Fairness and transparency are fundamental principles for WMO procurement activities. Bidders that believe they were not treated fairly in connection with a WMO procurement action may submit a Letter of Protest. In addition, WMO has a strict “No-gifts, no-hospitality” policy which is applicable to all Vendors. WMO personnel involved in the procurement process may not accept gifts or hospitality from current or potential vendors.
Contact: procurementwmo [dot] int (procurement[at]wmo[dot]int)
Business opportunities
To do business with the WMO, a Vendor must first be registered using UNGM’s Vendor registration portal. Please refer to the instructions on how to register in the UNGM portal.
WMO posts all tenders through the UNGM and encourages potential vendors to register with the system.
Latest tenders
For a full list of our Tenders, please visit the UNGM portal.
What we buy
As an international organization, the WMO purchases a vast range of products and services from suppliers around the world. In 2016, 70% of WMO procurement activities were carried out in the following categories:
- Information Technology Service Delivery and software
- Facilities management services
- Security services
- Transportation, travel tickets and hotel rooms and services
- Meteorology instruments, satellite receiving equipment and services
- Radiosonde apparatus, weather stations and hydrological instuments
- Other specialized equipment
In addition, the WMO also procures corporate services, which include, but are not limited to:
- Consultancy
- Conference and translation services
- International and local consultancies
- Training
- Public relations services
- Catering.
Please visit the UNGM portal for the Annual Statistical report on United Nations Procurement.
The WMO General Conditions of Contract for the Provision of Goods and Services and The WMO Standard Contract for the Provision of Goods and Services
It is mandatory that all suppliers who wish to do business with WMO should accept and abide by the WMO General conditions of contract for provision of Goods and Services and WMO Standard Contract for the Provision of Goods and Services.