SDGs and other initiatives

WMO, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and other national entities support international efforts to monitor ocean temperatures, currents, salinity, and sea surface levels – all major variables in understanding weather, climate and climate change.
WMO, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and other national entities support international efforts to monitor ocean temperatures, currents, salinity, and sea surface levels – all major variables in understanding weather, climate and climate change. They also support coastal management and resilience, particularly for Small-Island Developing States (SIDSs) and other vulnerable regions. As the oceans continue to warm and sea levels to rise, the need for observations, research and operational services for the oceans will continue to grow. Multi-hazard early warning systems and impact-based forecasting services to minimize the risk of disasters will become increasingly important. These efforts contribute to the SDGs, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the SAMOA Pathway.
The WMO annual State of the Global Climate report is the authoritative source of information on the evolution of the global climate for informing climate policy. Based on set of agreed climate indicators, the report updates annually the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and those endeavouring to meet the targets of the UNFCCC Paris Climate Change Agreement. Four of the indicators tracked in the report are ocean related, including Global Temperature which includes Ocean surface temperature; Ocean Heat Content; Sea level and Ocean acidification.
WMO is committed to contributing to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 to 2030), with much of its work integral for the “safe ocean”, “predicted ocean” and ”transparent ocean” goals of the Decade. The UN “Ocean Decade” has 7 goals: A clean ocean; a sustainably harvested and productive ocean; a healthy and resilient ocean; a safe ocean; a transparent ocean with open access to data, information and technologies; a predicted ocean; and inspiring and engaging ocean. (UN Ocean Decade)
The Earthshot Prize
WMO is also a designated Nominator for the Earth Shot Prize (2021 to 2030), seeking solutions for urgent environmental challenges, including the ocean and climate. The Earthshot Prize is a global prize, awarded for innovative environmental solutions for 5 ‘Earthshots’ including to ‘revive our oceans’ and ‘fix our climate’. WMO is an Official Nominating Agency for the Prize, and annually, can nominate projects that inspire ocean and climate science for sustainable development. Ideas can be sent to