Sand and Dust Storm (SDS) and climate change in the GCC region
Dubai, Émirats arabes unis
Venue: GCC at COP28 (Blue Zone, GCC Pavilion, Building 27)
Moderator: Tarek Sadek - First Economic Affairs officer (Water Resources and Climate Change), ESCWA
11:00 11:15 GCCSG Juma AlMaskari GCC efforts on SDS
11:15 11:30 WMO Cyrille Honoré From Science to Services: Sand and Dust Forecasting for Early Warnings
11:30 11:45 Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment GCC Node Jumaan Alqahtani Recent techniques used in Forecasting, Monitoring, and Observing Sand and Dust Storms in the GCC Node.
11:45 12:00 ESCWA Tarek Sadek SDS analysis in the Mashreq and Regional Collaboration
12:00 12:15 WHO Saleh Rababa Climate change and sand and dust storms: human health perspective
12:15 12:30 UNEP Tarek Alkhoury Sources, Costs, and Solutions for SDS in the MENA Region
12:30 13:00 Panel Discussion