New WMO Regional Training Centre in the United Arab Emirates
A new WMO Regional Training Centre (RTC) opened in Abu Dhabi

A new WMO Regional Training Centre (RTC), hosted by the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), was inaugurated at the Seminar on Management for WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs) from 1 to 3 October. The Seminar, organized by RTC-UAE in conjunction with the WMO Education and Training Office, focused on enhancing collaboration between RTCs.
RTC Directors from Africa, Asia and the South-West Pacific, representing WMO Regional Associations I, II and V, attended the event. The Seminar provided an opportunity to share knowledge and expertise on measures to strengthen capacities in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and to identify areas for improved cooperation. The constructive exchanges at such events, along with the informal opportunities they bring for WMO Members to get to know each other, help to strengthen the global hydrometeorological community.
Dr Abdulla Al Mandous, the Director General of NCM and the President of WMO, committed to hosting the RTC in order to support the building of regional meteorological capacity. He expressed a special thanks to the UAE Government and the RTC partners for their continued support in realizing this vision. WMO RTCs are an essential component of the global effort to improve the competencies of NMHS staff towards the production of more timely, accurate and reliable weather and climate information and services to mitigate disaster risks and stimulate socioeconomic development. RTC-UAE will play a crucial role in advancing professional development for meteorologists across the region.
For information, please contact: Khalid Al Obaidli, Head of Training Centre, kalobaidlincm [dot] gov [dot] ae (kalobaidli[at]ncm[dot]gov[dot]ae).