Regional Expertise Hub to guide South-South and Triangular Cooperation in the Andes
The Steering Committee approved the launch of the NUREX to build south-south and triangular cooperation, one of the main goals of the ENANDES+ Project.

The online Workshop on Meteorological, Hydrological and Climate Services for the Energy Sector in South America and the first session of the Steering Committee of the Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Andean Communities through Climate Services (ENANDES+) Project, held in Peru, have defined priority needs for the project’s implementation plan for 2024. Both events, held in November, gathered representatives from the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of the Andean countries – Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru – the WMO Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) and WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs) involved in the ENANDES+ Project. The Steering Committee evaluated the progress achieved so far in the Project and presented the work plan for 2024. One of the most exciting outcomes was the creation of a Regional Expertise Hub, called NUREX to boost training of NMHSs staff – especially, in 2024, toward the development of energy-related climate services.
The Workshop and Steering Committee discussed various areas in order to define the 2024 priorities:
- The proposal to create NUREX, an interactive regional platform for collaboration and channel for sharing extra-regional knowledge and success stories from NMHSs to strengthen peer-to-peer learning
- Translation of climate information into sector specific impacts and outcomes to guide adaptation actions, especially in the energy sector
- Training of NMHS staff in the region
- Gender-sensitive approaches in community adaptation actions.
The Steering Committee approved the launch of the NUREX to build south-south and triangular cooperation, one of the main goals of the ENANDES+ Project. South-south cooperation is already ongoing in the region in technical areas related to the implementation of climate services, such as WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS), users interface platforms such as agroclimatic technical roundtables, hazards monitoring and the development of climate services with socioeconomic benefits.
ENANDES+ will also work with the region’s NMHSs, to enhance meteorological and climate services for the energy sector. It will focus on the interconnections in water-land-energy nexus to develop energy specific adaptation and mitigation actions. Once the NMHSs are equipped with the knowledge to develop meteorological, hydrological and climate services for the energy sector, they will play an important role in building resilience in the Andean region.
Another notable outcome of the Workshop was the encouragement to ENANDES+ Members to initiate mini-projects proposals aimed at enhancing NMHSs' meteorological and climate services for the energy sector. In collaboration with Ministries of Energy, the private sector and academia, NMHSs are already actively working on these proposals, some of which may be ready for implementation in 2024.
The ENANDES+ Project, funded by the Adaptation Fund and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), has been supporting the NMHSs of the participating Andean countries in their efforts to plan adaptation to climate change and variability since 2021.