GFCS Supports Tanzania Meteorological Agency on Enhancing Accuracy, Timely Forecasting and Delivery of Weather and Climate Services
From 10th to 13th June 2019, Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) through the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), organized a training workshop to 30 TMA technical staff from meteorological stations in Tanzania in coding and decoding of weather and climate data. The training was conducted at Kibaha, Pwani region aiming at enhancing skills of technical staff (observers and meteorological officers) in coding and decoding various weather and climate reports. The staff came from different parts of Tanzania including Mtwara, Kilimanjaro, Kigoma, Songwe, Musoma, Zanzibar, Mwanza, Tabora, Morogoro, Arusha and Dar es salaam.

From 10th to 13th June 2019, Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) through the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), organized a training workshop to 30 TMA technical staff from meteorological stations in Tanzania in coding and decoding of weather and climate data. The training was conducted at Kibaha, Pwani region aiming at enhancing skills of technical staff (observers and meteorological officers) in coding and decoding various weather and climate reports. The staff came from different parts of Tanzania including Mtwara, Kilimanjaro, Kigoma, Songwe, Musoma, Zanzibar, Mwanza, Tabora, Morogoro, Arusha and Dar es salaam.