July 2020 Temperature Assessment for Turkey
20 August 2020

During July 2020, above-normal temperatures were observed across most of the country whereas; near-normal temperatures were present in the Eastern and Northwestern parts together with Dalaman, Fethiye, Antalya, Hatay, and İskenderun.
The mean monthly temperature of July 2020 was 25.9 ° C which is 1.4 °C above the long-term average (1981-2010). The lowest temperature was measured in Ardahan with 6.8ºC and the highest temperature was recorded in Cizre with 47.3ºC.
2020 was the sixth warmer and 2000 was the warmest July between 1971 and 2020. See the figures below for July 2020 temperature anomalies map and chart from Turkish State Meteorological Service.