New product from IMGW-PIB: High-resolution forest fire danger forecasting system
Since the beginning of the new year, IMGW-PIB has released a new testing system for fire danger forecasting dedicated to forest areas. Forecasts are made for the whole of Poland, on a grid with a spatial resolution of 2.5 x 2.5 km. They are prepared once a day at 12:00 UTC, with a time advance of 24 and 48 hours. This is the first forest fire danger forecasting system in Poland with high spatial resolution and such a long forecast period. The forest fire danger forecasting system was developed at the Meteorological Analysis and Long-Range Forecasts Office within the structures of the Meteorological Modeling Center of the IMGW-PIB. The meteorological data necessary for the calculations are supplied from the numerical weather model WRF METEOPG2.5 km, developed jointly by the IMGW-PIB and the Gdańsk University of Technology. The work and research undertaken was motivated by the high and non-decreasing number of forest fires in Poland for many years, which may increase in the future due to predicted global climate change.

Since the beginning of the new year, IMGW-PIB has released a new testing system for fire danger forecasting dedicated to forest areas. Forecasts are made for the whole of Poland, on a grid with a spatial resolution of 2.5 x 2.5 km. They are prepared once a day at 12:00 UTC, with a time advance of 24 and 48 hours. This is the first forest fire danger forecasting system in Poland with high spatial resolution and such a long forecast period. The forest fire danger forecasting system was developed at the Meteorological Analysis and Long-Range Forecasts Office within the structures of the Meteorological Modeling Center of the IMGW-PIB. The meteorological data necessary for the calculations are supplied from the numerical weather model WRF METEOPG2.5 km, developed jointly by the IMGW-PIB and the Gdańsk University of Technology. The work and research undertaken was motivated by the high and non-decreasing number of forest fires in Poland for many years, which may increase in the future due to predicted global climate change.