NiMet Host 2022 Regional Climate Outlook Forum for Agro-Hydro-Climatic Zones of West Africa and the Sahel
The 2022 edition of the Regional Climate Outlook Forum for West Africa and the Sahel (PRESA-SS) took place in Abuja, Nigeria from the 18th to 25th April 2022. Participants at this year’s forum were drawn from all National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) within West African and Sahel Countries. The purpose of the forum is to collectively produce the season’s forecast for the Sudano-Sahelian Zones of West Africa including Nigeria. In the case of Nigeria, the forecast will primarily focus on the northern part of the country though no region will be left out.

The 2022 edition of the Regional Climate Outlook Forum for West Africa and the Sahel (PRESA-SS) took place in Abuja, Nigeria from the 18th to 25th April 2022. Participants at this year’s forum were drawn from all National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) within West African and Sahel Countries. The purpose of the forum is to collectively produce the season’s forecast for the Sudano-Sahelian Zones of West Africa including Nigeria. In the case of Nigeria, the forecast will primarily focus on the northern part of the country though no region will be left out.