Turkish State Meteorological Service organized an amateur radio connection for students with the International Space Agency Astronaut
Thanks to Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), students all around the world get a chance to communicate ISS crew onboard. Students get the opportunity to ask their questions in mind related to space, technology, engineering and science. The organisation which WMO RTC Turkey also involved was the first direct contact with ISS. Turkish Amateur Satellite Technologies Organization (TAMSAT) provided technical services for connection under the mentorship of ARISS Europe. A successful connection to ISS accomplished on 9 October 2020, with the participation of H.E. Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Dr Bekir Pakdemirli, H.E. Minister of National Education Mr Ziya Selçuk, and students from 4 different high schools.

Thanks to Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), students all around the world get a chance to communicate ISS crew onboard. Students get the opportunity to ask their questions in mind related to space, technology, engineering and science. The organisation which WMO RTC Turkey also involved was the first direct contact with ISS. Turkish Amateur Satellite Technologies Organization (TAMSAT) provided technical services for connection under the mentorship of ARISS Europe. A successful connection to ISS accomplished on 9 October 2020, with the participation of H.E. Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Dr Bekir Pakdemirli, H.E. Minister of National Education Mr Ziya Selçuk, and students from 4 different high schools.