INFCOM-3 approves new WIGOS guidance materials on measurements and observations
INFCOM-3 discussed the activities related to WIGOS measurements and approved various guidance materials on measurements and observations.

Measurements are essential components of the value chain, being a foundational element for key products and services provided by Members. It is essential for Members to perform measurements that meet the observational data requirements of several application areas.
The Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability (SC-MINT) under INFCOM is mandated to perform measurements-related tasks. The primary role of the SC-MINT is to promote worldwide comparability of measurements, ensure measurements are fit-for-purpose, and are of known quality.
WMO has developed several guidance publications on measurements and is making them available to support Members.
WMO has also been supporting the organization of instrument intercomparisons to assess the performance of various instruments and related observing methods. The results from these intercomparisons are published as Instruments and Observing Methods (IOM) reports, providing guidance to Members on the design and selection of suitable instruments for their measurements.
The WIGOS Measurement session of INFCOM-3 discussed the SC-MINT activities, and reviewed and approved several guidance materials and decisions that will guide the commission’s future work on measurement-related activities:
- Updating the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8), which is recognized as the primary source of information used by Members to standardize instrument performances and ensure the quality of observations since its first publication in 1950.
- Adding new volumes to the Guide to Operational Weather Radar Best Practices (WMO-No. 1257) to provide complementary and supportive guidance to Members on weather radar-related matters.
- Updating the Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168) to include guidance on image-based methods for discharge measurement.
- Offering guidelines on how to better inform Members on the performances and expected uncertainties of different types of instruments.
- Providing Guidelines for Radiometer Comparisons to aid upcoming radiometer comparisons, ensuring the stability of radiation references and their worldwide dissemination to regional and national reference instruments.
- A significant upper-air instrument intercomparison was held in 2022. The WMO IOM published report provides important guidance for Members on the performance of different systems. It also provides manufacturers with suggestions on how to further develop their systems.
In this session, Members shared their feedback on the guidance material for the proposed updates. They also shared suggestions, including their requirements, and expectations for further development of the guides. Additionally, they provided recommendations on SC-MINT activities, helping to define priorities for the next intersessional period to improve efficiency. The session enhanced Members’ awareness and usage of the available guidance material.
Members were reminded and encouraged to participate in the 2024 WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation (TECO-2024). The conference, organized by WMO, is a very important event for sharing information and experiences on measurements and instrumentation across all domains. It will take place in Vienna, Austria, with the theme: “Measurements and new technologies for WMO priority initiatives”. The conference will be held in conjunction with the Meteorological Technology World Expo organized by UKi Media & Events, from 24 to 26 September 2024.
For daily highlights, visit the INFCOM-3 dedicated webpage.
Related documents
- Doc 8.2(1): Draft Resolution 8.2(1)/1 - Update of the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8)
- Doc 8.2(2): Draft Decision 8.2(2)/1 - Evolvement of the operational measurement uncertainty requirements (Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8), Volume. I, Chapter 1, Annex 1.A.)
- Doc 8.2(3): Draft Resolution 8.2(3)/1 - Update of the Guide to Operational Weather Radar Best Practices (WMO-No. 1257)
- Doc 8.2(4): Draft Resolution 8.2(4)/1 - Update of the Guide to Hydrological Practices, Volume I (WMO-No. 168)
- Doc 8.2(5): Draft Decision 8.2(5)/1 – Guidelines for radiometer comparisons
- Doc 8.2(6): Draft Decision 8.2(6)/1 - Future instrument intercomparisons
- Doc 8.2(7): Draft Decision 8.2(7)/1 – Follow-up to the 2022 Upper-Air Instrument Intercomparison
- Inf 8.2(2) -Proposal for the evolvement of the operational measurement uncertainty requirements (the Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8), Vol. I, Chapter 1, Annex 1.A.)
- Inf 8.2(6) - Future intercomparisons
*Documents are available on the INFCOM-3 minisite