WIPPS evolution to meet growing user requirements
The WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS), a worldwide network of operational centres operated by WMO Members and relevant operational organizations, provides defined analysis and prediction products. These products are operationally available among WMO Members and relevant operational organizations for applications related to weather, climate, water and related environment.

INFCOM adopted the recommendation to the Executive Council to evolve WIPPS to meet user requirements, support the Early Warnings for All initiative, and follow up on the WMO Unified Data Policy. The major upgrades are:
- INFCOM agreed to increase the number of analysis and forecast products and to provide these at higher resolution. This update includes some impact-based indexes and the new set of tropical low/cyclone vortex variables that will be beneficial for Members to provide better quality forecasts and warnings. This agreement will significantly increase the amount of core data from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), benefitting a wide range of users.
- The introduction of five new WIPPS activities (global climate reanalysis and the relevant coordination, vegetation fire and smoke pollution forecasts (VFSP), marine emergency response and global storm surge prediction) to serve more user communities to support their services.
- The designations of 11 new WIPPS Designated Centres were approved. These include four Centres for sub-seasonal prediction, two Centres for VFSP, two Centres for global climate reanalysis, one Lead Centre for global climate reanalysis, one network for the Arctic RCC, and one Centre for global ensemble NWP.
INFCOM has also started considering possible contributions from the private sector and non-partner international/intergovernmental organizations to WIPPS. This is being done through the development of a WIPPS pilot study focused on global riverine flood prediction to address the requirements of Members and to fill the gap in support of the Early Warnings for All initiative. This pilot study for global riverine flood prediction will be conducted in collaboration with SERCOM.
Another important step to strengthen WIPPS as a coordination mechanism is a newly proposed Rolling Review for Requirements process (WIPPS RRR). WMO Infrastructure, including WIPPS, should evolve and prioritize to meet user requirements. This new WIPPS RRR will enhance communication with users and ensure that the WIPPS meets their needs.
In response to the decision of the 19th World Meteorological Congress to address global and regional impacts of changes in the cryosphere, INFCOM approved a roadmap for integrating cryosphere information and products into WIPPS. These actions will lead to the development and dissemination of information on snow, ice and frozen ground (permafrost) and will support Members in understanding, responding, mitigating, and adapting to irreversible changes in the cryosphere. These products will be distributed through existing or new WIPPS centres, such as the Arctic RCC Network. Given that many of the potential products are still in the research domain, this road map includes high level recommendations for pilot projects.
For daily highlights, visit the INFCOM-3 dedicated webpage.
Related Documents
- Doc 8.4(1): Amendments to the Manual on the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WMO-No. 485)
- Doc 8.4(2): Draft Resolution 8.4(2)/1 - Update of the Guide to the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WMO-No. 305)
- Doc 8.4(3): Draft Recommendation 8.4(3)/1 – Demonstration of the integration of products from non-traditional sources into the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System
- Doc 8.4(4): Draft Decision 8.4(4)/1 – Demonstration of the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System Rolling Review of Requirements
- Doc 8.4(5): Draft Decision 8.4(5)/1 - Road map for the integration of cryosphere information and products in the WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS)
- Inf 8.4(1a) -Interim report on the review of standardized verification methods for Numerical Weather Prediction data
- Inf 8.4(1b) -Status report on the WMO research activity towards the development of warning advisory systems on vegetation fire and smoke pollution
- Inf 8.4(3) -Plan for the demonstration of global riverine flood prediction products
- Inf 8.4(4) -WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System Rolling Review of Requirements
*Documents are available on the INFCOM-3 minisite.