Management Retreat 3-4 March 2025 | | | FRQ 2501-25 | 13.01.2025 |
Provision of Training Services on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) in the context of the IPCC | Re-Bid | | RFP 2430-24 | 05.11.2024 |
Purchase of a gold medal for the International Meteorological Organization's award | Firmin & Sons Limited | 13.01.2025 | RFQ 2330-24 | 30.09.2024 |
Consultancy Services - Strategic Human Resources Plan of the IPCC Secretariat | Cancelled | | RFQ 2431-24 | 24.09.2024 |
Support to the Group on Earth Observations for the production and publication of editorial content | Devex | 11.11.2025 | RFQ2433-24 | 26.09.2024 |
Lot 1 Fourniture, pose, raccordement et mise en service d’une installation solaire photovoltaïque | | | ITB 2414-24 | 10.07.2024 |
Lot 3 Travaux de construction métallique (Structure pour panneaux photovoltaïques) | | | ITB 2417-24 | 11.07.2024 |
Remplacement du vitrage en toiture | | | ITB 2418-24 | 25.07.2024 |
Services de sécurité pour le siège social de l’OMM | | | RFP 2419-24 | 01.10.2024 |
GEO STORYTELLING WORKSHOP | Project Syndicate LLC | 08.10.2024 | RFQ 2422-24 | 20.06.2024 |
Meeting of the Standing Committee on Hydrology (SC-HYD) | S.G.H.D Société du Grand Hotel de Divonne SAS | 09.10.2024 | RFQ 2423-24 | 02.09.2024 |
Support to the Group on Earth Observations for organizational evolution activities for the post-2025 strategy implementation | SRI Executive Search | 04.03.2024 | RFQ 2403-24 | 07.02.2024 |
Remplacement partiel d'équipements de cuisine | | | ITB 2420-24 | 02.08.2024 |
Support to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) for the Delivery of Media Engagement Activities & Op-ed Workshop | | | RFQ 2425-24 | 07.09.2024 |
Climate Risk Early Warning System (CREWS) Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Project | Datec (Fiji) PTE Limited | 21.08.2024 | RFQ2415-24 | 08.05.2024 |
Climate Risk Early Warning System (CREWS) Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Project | Re-bidden | 13.05.2024 | RFQ2415-24 | 08.05.2024 |
Services relatif à l’élaboration d’un modèle numérique de terrain basé sur des levés LIDAR pour le suivi des inondations au Burkina-Faso | ETAFAT | 01.05.2024 | RFP 2334-23 | 14.12.2023 |
Services pour la conception et le déploiement d’outils pour le suivi des inondations au niveau local au Burkina-Faso | Synapse Informatique | 17.04.2024 | RFP 2333-23 | 16.11.2023 |
WMO HydroHub Innovation Call in Latin America and the Caribbean | Centro de Vinculación de Hidraulica FCEFyN UNC | 23.02.2024 | RFP 2300-23 | 27.09.2024 |
Equipment Acquisition for a Weather Studio media and Installation for ANAM Burkina Faso (Re-bid) | Broadcast Solutions International Limited | 26.09.2024 | RFQ 2408-24 | 21.05.2024 |
Provision of media & public speaking training services | | | | |
Acquisition of a radiosonde system (Upper air observing System ) with hydrogen generator and consumables for ANAM Burkina Faso | | | | |
Workflow Approval System | | | RFP 2410-24 | 26.04.2024 |
WMO INTERNET CONNECTIVITY SERVICE | | | RFP 2412-24 | 03.06.2024 |
Remplacement des grilles automatisées d'entrée et de sortie du parking souterrain de l'OMM (Republication) | BAUTEIL AG | 26.09.2024 | RFQ 2413-24 | 07.05.2024 |
Remplacement partiel d'équipements de cuisine | | | ITB 2420-24 | 02.09.2024 |
Prestations de nettoyage et services associés ( | | | | |
Supply and delivery of Hardware and Software for Automated FFGS Bulletin in SAOFFG System in Indonesia | | | | |
Concession de travaux pour l’automatisation des portes extérieures du restaurant de l’OMM à Genève | | | | |
WMO Electronic Library | i2S | 14-February-2023 | | |
Advisory Services to WMO and ANAM Chad related to Strengthening NMHS's capacities for multi-hazard early warning in Chad | | | | |
Evaluation Services for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Project of the IPCC Gender Action Team | International Organisation development Ltd | 09-December-2022 | | |
Supply and delivery of Information Systems in the Volta Basin region (DAP) | DanOffice IT SA | 26-October-2022 | | |
| | | | |
WMO E-Voting System | SCYTL ELECTION TECHNOLOGIES S.L. | 22-December-2022 | | |
Innovation call in the Pacific | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd | 13-September-2022 | | |
Provision and implementation of a Learning Management System/e-Learning platform | | | | |
Concession de Travaux pour le remplacement de la terrasse du restaurant « l’attique » de L'OMM | HKM SA | 24-August-2022 | | |
Coordination Services related to a Series of Virtual Workshops | ADRIA CONGEX SRL and KOGA S.A. | 11-August-2022 | | |
WMO Corporate Website Redesign Project | Gizra Internet Solutions Ltd | 07 July 2022 | | |
WMO - Network Infrastructure Update | | | | |
The provision of ERP Business Analyst Consultancy-award based on existing LTA (search ref UNOPS-2015-122425) | KPMG Advisory S.p.A | 16-Nov-2021 | | |
Remplacement et mise à niveau du système de gestion technique du bâtiment - LOT 1 Intégrateur MCR | Romande Energie Service SA | 13-Dec-2021 | | |
Remplacement et mise à niveau du système de gestion technique du bâtiment-LOT 2 Installateur électricien | Cablex SA | 13-Dec-2021 | | |
Aircraft-based Observations Software Development | Wishtree Technologies LLP | 14-Jan-2022 | | |
Staff Compensation and Benefits Insurance | Miller insurance services | 08-Nov-2021 | | |
Feasibility study to identify equipment, resources, institutional arrangements and other needed items and their related costs to set up and sustain a radio service in and for Tokelau | Kordia Limited | 23-Jun-2021 | | |
Provision of radiosondes to Gan Maldives | Diel Met Systems (pty) Ltd | 4-May-2021 | | |
Provision of Automatic Weather Stations (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda) | Pulsonic | 3-August-2020 | | |
Supply of Hydrometric Equipment to Gabon | SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH & Co. | 17-July-2020 | | |
To establish a Long Term Agreement for the provision of Printing Services | PRINCO S.A. VILLIERE SA ABP Project Sàrl | 1-July-2020 | | |
For the Design and Build of the WHO/WMO Climate and Health Portal website | HabitatSeven | 07-January-2021 | | |
Framework Agreement for Electrical Services | Etavis tsa SA Cablex SA | 1-July-2020 | | |
To establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of Video and Animation Production Services | Rooftop Video Productions | 24-August-2020 | | |
Upgrading the GTS Meteorological Message Switching System in Cambodia | Trustia Corporation | 12-March-2020 | | |
Framework Agreement for Graphic Design Services | DESIGN PLUS Ltd. Michal Bohac (Va-Fighters) Dark Side a.s. | 1-June-2020 | | |
WMO OSCAR/Space Database Development services | Wishtree Technologies LLP | 10-March-2020 | | |
Supply of Hydrometric Equipment | SEBA Hydrometrie | 29-June-2020 | | |
For the provision of HPC Servers for the Fiji Meteorological Service | Danoffice IT SA | 1-April-2020 | | |
For the provision of Service Desk Services for the World Meteorological Organization | SPIE ICS SA | 02-June-2020 | | |
For the provision of Hosting, Application Management Support (AMS) and Licenses for the WMO Electronic Document and Record Management System. | Lutech SpA | 01-April-2020 | | |
Service de sécurité | Protectas SA | 07-Jan- 2020 | | |
For the provision of Media Monitoring Service | Meltwater Deutschland GmbH | 16-Oct-2019 | | |
For the provision of a Cloud based Computer-Assisted Translation and Terminology (CATT) tool | Awarded internally within the UN | 10-Dec-2019 | | |
La maintenance des appareils élévateurs | ISS Facility Services SA | 13-Nov-2019 | | |
Prestation de restauration | Newrest Restauration | 28-April-2020 | | |
For the provision of Global Hydrometry Support Facility - Mid-term External Evaluation | Jeremy Benn Associates Ltd | 15-Jul-2019 | | |
For the expansion of the processing capacity of the Brazilian Meteorological Service national monitoring network | Dan Office SA | 28-Nov-2019 | | |
For the provision of a Video Wall for the WMO Global Weather Display Corner | Danmon Group Systems AS | 03-Jun-2019 | | |
For the provision of a e-voting system for the WMO | No Award | | | |
Provision of Radiosondes for Tanzania | MODEM SAS | 18-April-2019 | | |
Provision of Meteorological Balloons | Pawan Rubber Products | 15-April-2019 | | |
Provision / Upgrade of hydrogen generator, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania | SAGIM | 04-June-2019 | | |
Printing of IPCC AR6 reports (REV) | Princo S.A. | 30-August-2019 | | |
Upgrade of the GTS Meteorological Message switching System in Cambodia | Cancelled | | | |
Bureau d’ingénieur en restauration | lab consulting sarl | 10-Dec-2018 | | |
Provision of Radionsondes for Maldives | Diel Met Systems (pty) Ltd | 10-Dec-2018 | | |
Contrat cadre Faisabilité, maitrise d'oeuvre et missions complémentaires | Groupe H Architecture et Ingénierie SA | 10-Dec-2018 | | |