Fetene Teshome
Mr. Fetene Teshome graduated in Climate Change and Adaptation with an MA. He has been serving Ethiopia in various capacities, noticeably in the education sector, the Federal Ministry of Mines, and the Geological Survey of Ethiopia, for fourteen years before he joined the Ethiopian Meteorological Institute (EMI). Since June 2012, he has been appointed by the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia as the Director General of the EMI and PR of Ethiopia with WMO. He has also been serving as the National Focal Point of the IPCC. Since June 2014, Mr. Fetene has been serving as a member of the WMO Executive Council and president of WMO RAI (Africa) starting from February 2023. He is currently serving as a member of the Governing Board both at IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Center and the African Centre for Meteorological Applications (ACMAD), from June 2012 up to now.