Herve Trebossen
Hervé TREBOSSEN holds a Doctorate in Geographic Information Science from Univesité de Marne La Vallée (now Univ Gustave Eiffel) entitled "Contribution of RADAR imagery to marine cartography," particularly in humid tropical zones in Africa. He brings more than 20 years of experience in Earth Observation applied to natural resource management. Among the Earth Observation projects he has been involved in, notable mentions include land cover projects such as Globcover and Landcover CCI (Climate Change Initiative) by the European Space Agency. Throughout his professional career, H. TREBOSSEN has gained progressive experience in international organizations such as the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (Tunis, 2009-2013), the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel / AGHRYMET Regional Center (Niamey, 2006-2009), and the European Space Agency (Rome, 2004-2006). His work in these organizations encompassed multidisciplinary approaches related, among others, to climate change adaptation, water resource management, and disaster risk management. Additionally, he served as a cartographer in Libreville, Gabon (2002-2004), and at the French Hydrographic Office (Brest, 1998-2002). Since 2014, he has been working as a consultant for the European Commission, the World Bank, EUMETSAT and the World Meteorological Organisation.