Patrick Benichou
Patrick Benichou is the founder and President of Meteo France International (MFI).
He is both a senior meteorologist graduate from National School of Meteorology (1982) and a businessman with Executive MBA from HEC-Paris (2000). As a meteorologist he has been working with Météo-France, the leading French National Meteorological Service, until 2000. In 2002 he founded Meteo France International (MFI) as a private company subsidiary of Météo-France. Since then, he has been managing MFI based on a unique strategic positioning of "meteorological designer and integrator". As such and beyond the day-to-day operation and management activities, he is deeply involved in the design and implementation of complex Modernization Plans for National Meteorological Services (NMHSs) in countries like in Indonesia, India, Angola, or Cote d’Ivoire, and in the related interactions with local Governments. He also promotes the concept of Public Private Engagement following the Design – Build – Operate (DBO) business model, especially in the context of Early Warnings for All (EW4All) UN initiative.