Paul Gerard Gbetkom

After a master's degree in Environmental Sciences in Cameroon (University of Maroua) and a master's degree in GIS and Remote Sensing in Morocco (UN-affiliated Centre Régional Africain des Sciences et Technologies de l'Espace en Langue Française), I did a PhD thesis in geography in France (Aix Marseille Université). Since 2021 I've been working at the Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS) in Toulouse, as part of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The aim of my work is to study the influence of climatic parameters on water level variations in African lakes. I am the author of two articles on African lakes: «Lake Chad vegetation cover and surface water variations in response to rainfall fluctuations under recent climate conditions (2000−2020) » and «Lake Tanganyika basin water storage variations from 2003–2021 for water balance and flood monitoring».

A person with a beard is in front of a world map, wearing a light-colored sweater.