坦桑尼亚联合共和国 社区平台 国家概况数据库 当地气象服务 区域一:非洲 News from 坦桑尼亚联合共和国 2025年01月22日 Launch of the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) project in Tanzania 2024年03月15日 Finnish Meteorological Institute supports CREWS East Africa project 2020年04月15日 2019 Recorded Higher Amount of Rainfall Since 1970 - Tanzania Meteorological Authority 2019年07月08日 TMA set to upgrade production of quality climate data through R-Instant 2019年06月10日 GFCS Supports Tanzania Meteorological Agency on Enhancing Accuracy, Timely Forecasting and Delivery of Weather and Climate Services 2019年01月30日 The 17th GFCS Project Delivery Team (PDT) Invited Engage Development Parnters, NGO and Sector Ministries to Brainstorm on Implementation of National Framework For Climate Services 2018年11月22日 TMS determines to promote National Framework for Climate Services - Tanzania Meteorological Services 2018年09月21日 Tanzania launches the Global Framework for Climate Service Adaptation Programme in Africa (GFCS APA) - Phase II” Project - Tanzania Meteorological Agency 2018年09月19日 Dr. Kijazi argues collaborative efforts in GFCS Phase II focusing on implementation of the NFCS - Tanzania Meteorological Agency
2019年06月10日 GFCS Supports Tanzania Meteorological Agency on Enhancing Accuracy, Timely Forecasting and Delivery of Weather and Climate Services
2019年01月30日 The 17th GFCS Project Delivery Team (PDT) Invited Engage Development Parnters, NGO and Sector Ministries to Brainstorm on Implementation of National Framework For Climate Services
2018年11月22日 TMS determines to promote National Framework for Climate Services - Tanzania Meteorological Services
2018年09月21日 Tanzania launches the Global Framework for Climate Service Adaptation Programme in Africa (GFCS APA) - Phase II” Project - Tanzania Meteorological Agency
2018年09月19日 Dr. Kijazi argues collaborative efforts in GFCS Phase II focusing on implementation of the NFCS - Tanzania Meteorological Agency