Chacaltaya – the highest GAW station in the world: a story of horizontal collaboration
Mount Chacaltaya GAW station, the highest in the world.
In less than a decade, a site that formerly had a focus on cosmic ray research has become one of the most active observation stations in the GAW network. At an elevation of more than 5 000 metres, it is a unique place for hosting atmospheric science experiments and is now an attraction for researchers worldwide. In June 2018, an international group of scientists descended from the Mount Chacaltaya GAW station (16°21S, 68°07 W, 5 240 m above sea level), ending a six-month intensive campaign to study processes driving the formation of new atmospheric particles. The experiment that gathered scientists from eleven different countries and three continents occurred almost six years after the station officially opened in 2012 as a GAW station.
The Laboratory for Atmospheric Physics (LFA) of the University Mayor de San Andres in La Paz (UMSA), Plurinational State of Bolivia, was established in 1995 with a focus mainly on ultraviolet radiation and total ozone. These topics remain important subjects in a country where the levels of ultraviolet radiation are among the highest in the populated world. It marked the beginning of Bolivia's systematic atmospheric research.
The increasing impacts of climate change on tropical Andean environments made evident the need to broaden the subjects of atmospheric research performed by the Laboratory. In 2009, researchers from France and Italy approached LFA simultaneously but independently with a common interest in the feasibility of performing atmospheric measurements at Mount Chacaltaya. The site had been used for several decades for cosmic ray research (the pi meson was discovered there and contributed to the award of the 1950 Nobel Prize in Physics), but its high altitude and strategic location within the South American continent was also ideal for monitoring atmospheric composition. The Chacaltaya project started under UMSA leadership, with the key idea of making a long-term capital and human investment to create and sustain a research platform equipped with baseline instruments committed to long-term observations.
Original investments for rehabilitation of the station were made by UMSA, which also offered two engineering positions in the Department of Physics to support scientific and technical operations. Partners in Europe and the United States of America donated scientific instruments and engaged in training activities for UMSA personnel (students, engineers and scientists). In December 2011, the new consortium of scientists switched on their instruments, thus establishing the station for monitoring reactive gas and GHG concentrations as well as physical and chemical properties of particulate matter reaching this high-altitude location.
The site has been working continuously since then, with very few data gaps, providing the scientific community with open access to high-quality data, resulting in several scientific papers in international journals. Local Bolivian personnel in mainly European international schools have gained valuable theoretical and practical skills in atmospheric science and instrumentation. Many Bolivian undergraduate and graduate students, many of them women, have also received training in atmospheric sciences. Three former UMSA staff members and one permanent staff member of LFA are currently pursuing their graduate and doctoral studies in France, Germany and Finland.
The first key to success was the recognition of host university UMSA and its Institute for Physics Research to recognize that the Chacaltaya project was strategic to its development and visibility. UMSA has maintained long-term financial support to keep the infrastructure, which runs in a harsh, high-altitude environment. The second key factor was the role of foreign research institutions. The French Institute for Research and Development, also established in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, provided essential scientific, financial, administrative and logistical support to Chacaltaya station operations. Other research institutions and universities in Europe and in the United States also provided additional support, which was also critical to the success of the operation.
Although economic and scientific impacts are already measurable, a full economic model that would ensure sustainability of the Chacaltaya research platform is yet to be defined. Opportunities exist such as integration of Chacaltaya into European Research Infrastructure initiatives such as ICOS or ACTRIS but commitment to long-term operations is never trivial even in a successful capacity-building story such as Chacaltaya.