The iClimateAction project – with EUR 3 million in funding from the European Commission - addresses the need of increased coordination and synergies among the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), to improve the international alignment across organizations regarding creation, management and utilization of climate data.
The iClimateAction will support GCOS, GEO, WMO in their common endeavor to strengthen the global system for standardized, open, accessible, usable, and interoperable global observation systems for Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), and aiming at a shared and coordinated strategy towards the development of a more coherent, sustainable, and comprehensive global observing system for climate.
The iClimateAction will support GCOS, GEO, WMO, in their common endeavour to strengthen the global system for standardized, open, accessible, usable, and interoperable global observation systems of ECVs. The project seeks to address a critical challenge: the fragmentation and lack of harmonization in the current EO ecosystem of projects and programmes contributing to climate action knowledge support. This fragmentation limits the effective use of climate data for scientific research, policy development, and informed decision-making at all levels. This objective will be achieved by an improved and strengthen coordination among the three agencies enabling a more coherent and sustainable global observing system and ability to respond to and predict the evolution of the Earth's climate.
Synthesis of the inter-organization coordinated actions in support of Climate Action identify the mechanisms and align the agendas to improve coherence and reduce fragmentation, resulting in an increase used of EO ECVs data products raising the awareness of the importance of the surface-based and space-based observation systems. Challenges introduced by high-paced innovation such as AI and growing role of public-private partnerships in the space sector benefit from raised awareness within the GCOS-GEO-WMO and among the stakeholders and partner organization. The sustained benefits beyond the project duration are expected from the implementation of the inter-organization coordination recommendations, and the improved clarity in the governance and coordination of climate data centers and observing networks.
A set of inter-organization collaboration principles and a clear stakeholder mapping with identified synergies and gaps in the work programmes of GCOS GEO WMO will guide future development requirements for an effective use of EOs to support Services and implementation of the Paris Agreement.
The climate data from in-situ surface-based and gridded data products are surveyed with focus on expanded urban and nature ecosystems climate resilience. The journey from data to services is illustrated in two demonstrators that showcase how EOs can inform enhanced climate resilience, with particular emphasis on two application areas: Heat-Health & Ecosystems-Biodiversity. A small number of cities and ecosystems areas (minimum 3) will be identified to report the climate action progress monitoring within the project (WP3) via a consultative process (POC/SAP). Key results will include the recommendation for sustained coordinated climate action filling identified gaps and exploiting synergies.
- Enhanced coordination with recommendation to EU for future actions.

- Climate Resilience and Adaptation
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Global Framework for Climate Services
- WMO Integrated Global Observing System
- Governance
- Observations
- Data Management
- Service Delivery
- Early Warnings