Burkina Faso: Strengthening National Capacities for Early Warning System Service Delivery
Situación actual
The CREWS Burkina Faso project is aimed at improving the operational capabilities within Burkina Faso, to produce and deliver hydrological, meteorological and climate services with respect to early warning and with an emphasis on: (i) flood-related risks and (ii) agriculture and food security.
The focus of the project is to build capacity of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and to strengthen its cooperation with key users and stakeholders in areas of urban development, flood risk management, agriculture and food security.
Through this project, capabilities are being developed in data management and analysis, sustaining observing networks, monitoring and forecasting, and warning. The project also enables the strengthening of the interface with the users of this information.
Key Outputs of the project include:
- Assessment of observation networks
- Improved databases and analysis
- Severe weather forecasting capabilities
- Sub-seasonal forecasting integrated into agrometeorological services
- Nowcasting and climate watch tools
- Risk information and forecast products for flood warning
- Risk information and forecast products for agriculture and food security early warning
- Institutional strengthening
- Región:
- Region I: Africa

- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Global Framework for Climate Services
- WMO Integrated Global Observing System
- Capacity Development
- Governance