WMO and World Bank cooperation into action for supporting Central Asia Hydromet Services
WMO is providing technical assistance to the World Bank for the Central Asia Hydrometeorological Modernization Project Phase II (CAHMP-II), covering Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

The project aims to enhance regional cooperation in hydrometeorological services, focusing on the effective delivery of climate and hydrological services. To achieve this, the project requires guidance in assessing service gaps related to transboundary water management, in alignment with global frameworks such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the Early Warning for All (EW4All) Initiative, as well as WMO Guidelines and Recommendations.
In November 2024, a three-day event on the development and enhancement of flood early warning systems was hosted in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
The first day of the event brought together technical and high-level representatives from the National Hydrometeorological Services (NHMSs) of all five project countries, along with international partners, and representatives from the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the World Food Programme (WFP), and the SAPPHIRE Central Asia Project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), to shared updates and ensure alignment on ongoing initiatives, tools, and services aimed at enhancing hydrometeorological services.
The second day comprised a workshop which aimed to:
- Review the country field assessment results (NCAT);
- Refine findings and recommendations, prioritizing regional and national actions and financing needs; and
- Discuss strategies to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of hydrometeorological services, particularly in improving service delivery and user engagement.
The final day of the event saw the launch of the World Bank Regional Roadmap Modernizing the Central Asia Hydrometeorological Services.
The event yielded significant results including:
- WMO Members committing to identifying the regional cooperation and additional support required to ensure interoperability of systems, sustainability of investments, transition of project activities into operational services, and service delivery include user and sectoral engagement.
- Representatives from all five countries and regional entities committing to continue collaborating for the modernization of hydrometeorological services in Central Asia under the regional umbrella and guiding principles of CAHMP-II.
- Partners of Central Asia Hydromet Services (FMI, SDC, WFP) actively sharing their suggestions for the improvement of the regional roadmap and action plan, reflecting on the experience and achievements of their national and regional support.
- Country delegations endorsing the draft regional roadmap and action plan with further emphasizing the need to focus on sustainability, stability, interoperability, capacity building and elevating the visibility and reputation of agencies.
WMO and World Bank will continue capitalizing on lesson learned of this event and ensure that CAHMP-II is carrying the flag forward for modernizing the country and regions needs and building on and building together with other development partners for Central Asia Hydromet Services.