Volcano Early Warnings for All (EW4All) Workshop

(UTC: 07 de julio de 2025, 06:00 - 09 de julio de 2025, 15:30)

WMO co-hosts the Volcano Early Warnings for ALL workshop, at the margin of the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2025. The Volcano Early Warnings for All (EW4All) Workshop will bring together leading experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to enhance global efforts in volcanic early warning and disaster risk reduction.  The workshop seeks to advance multi-disciplinary understanding and application of volcanic hazards, their impacts and early warning. Impacts from volcanic events span many scales and include flooding, poor air quality, building damage including collapse, aviation and wider transport disruption, fires, and reduced agriculture output, etc. resulting in loss of lives and economic hardship. At the upper end of the eruption scale, volcanic eruptions can also cause major climate impacts with catastrophic global consequences. Nonetheless, most active volcanoes are not adequately monitored and lack comprehensive risk assessment and emergency management plans. 

Para cualquier consulta, póngase en contacto con: musamah@wmo.into