Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Andean Communities through Climate Services (ENANDES)
Situation actuelle
ENANDES aims to increase the resilience and adaptive capacity to climate variability and change of highly vulnerable communities living in the Andes. Through the generation of and access to specific climate information and services, governments and communities wil together be able to reduce climate-related risks and implement climate adaptation measure for protecting households and increasing food and water security. This integrated approach will ensure that all adaptive measures are sustainable and inclusive.
To enhance the capacity of communities in Chile, Colombia, and Peru to adapt to a varying and changing climate. This will be done by producing, communicating, and assessing the use of credible and authoritative information as the scientific evidence for decision-and policy making on disaster preparedness.
ENANDES will also build human and infrastructure capacity, while seeking to overcome institutional, technological and cultural barriers through increased coordination among climate, and non-climate actors of society.
ENANDES is organized around four major outcomes to promote adaptation to climate variability and change:
Enhance capacities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs): Enhancing capacities of the NMHSs in the ENANDES countries to produce and communicate timely, relevant and sector-tailored climate and water information and knowledge
Develop external partnerships: Develop partnerships and strengthen linkages with several national and local climate-sensitive (agriculture, energy, water) insitutions - both private sector and governmental - to ensure the communication and use of sector-tailored information and tools be provided by NMHSs in support of adaptation
Demonstration adaptation activities: Implementation and assessment of demonstration adaptation activities using climate services in various sites throughout the beneficiary countries where climate-sensitive actvities (agriculture, hydropower generation, water supply) and vulnerable groups and communities (peasants, indigenous population, women, and elderly people) are located.
Build human capacities and enhance coordination: Coordinate and liaise with regional and global organizations to synthesize and communicate project insights, best practices and lessons learned for replication or scaling-up in other contexts in western South America and beyond.
- Région:
- Region III: South America
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Global Framework for Climate Services
- Capacity Development
- Governance