(CREWS Central Africa) Training on hydrometeorological variability and water monitoring by Satellite altimetry - Session 1.
The training "Hydrometeorological variability and water monitoring by Satellite altimetry - Session 1" will focus on enhancing participants' knowledge on the use of satellite altimetry to analyze the hydrological variability of watercourses and explore the complementarities between local and satellite observations to better support the development of operational services and water resource management.
The session will be held in French, and it is part of a series that focuses on guiding participants through the access and use of relevant satellite data for describing hydrological variability for particular purposes. The series aims to enhance the capabilities of ECCAS national hydro-meteorological services and Central Africa River Basin organizations by improving their ability to monitor large-scale and local hydrological variability. This includes tracking water levels in rivers and large lakes using satellite-based observations and monitoring severe hydrometeorological events. The focus is on supporting early warning decisions, disaster risk management, and sustainable water resources management in Africa.